Good And Bad Toys For Your Pooch

Tips, stories, and reviews for people who love dogs, powered by , the world's largest network of 5-star pet sitters and dog walkers. Considering that the most dogs would chew or gnaw on these fetch balls, the warranty is an important factor. Her dog Woody chewed up all the balls shown here (and more). We love how Kong constantly innovates new products and supports the dog-training community.

An automatic ball thrower for dogs only works when your canine buddy knows how to use it. In order to maximize the benefits of a machine like the iFetch or GoDogGo, you'll need to train your pooch to respond to certain commands and teach them how to drop the balls into the slot.

We all love playing fetch with our dogs, however, we can't spend all day throwing a tennis ball back and forth, much as we'd like to. Purchasing an automatic ball thrower means that your dog can be kept entertained for hours and hours without any help or attention from us. This means we can get on with other, more pressing issues whilst our pets enjoy their playtime.

Additionally, it's from a US-based company, which is a must for any dog toy product I buy. But I'm looking for a dog toy that's going to last longer than a day under the pressure of my dog's jaws. Due to the unique structure, most dogs will wonder what it is and want to play with it. It also has a small hole where the treats can come out when rolled.

Whilst holding a treat, hover your hand over the loading bucket of the ball thrower so that when your dog drops the Golden Retriever ball, they will inadvertently drop it in. Be sure to use your clicker and offer your pet a treat, whilst saying 'drop it'. Giving your dog no time to move directly in front of the launcher and possibly getting hit.

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